Benefits Of The Replenology System
- Proven to be up to 4X more effective in women and up to 3X more effective in men compared to the leading hair loss product by scientific review
- Targets 21 known causes of hair loss including stem cell activation
- Replenology’s 4 components work together day and night to synergistically create the perfect environment to grow a healthy head of hair
- EWG Verified, All Natural, Vegan, Drug-free, Gluten-free and Non-GMO
Replenology Hair Growth System
Original price was: $180.00.$145.00Current price is: $145.00. Add to cart
Original price was: $155.00.$125.00Current price is: $125.00. / monthAdd To Cart
Individual Products
Original price was: $45.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00. Add to cart
Individual Products
Original price was: $45.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00. Add to cart
Individual Products
Original price was: $60.00.$45.00Current price is: $45.00. Add to cart
Individual Products
Original price was: $75.00.$55.00Current price is: $55.00. Add to cart
100% Guarantee
We want you happy about your choice to use Replenology. We’re so sure that Replenology is right for you, if at any time you are unhappy with the results, you can cancel and receive a refund for any unopened bottles.
See Terms and ConditionsResults
Female, 56 years old
Length of treatment: 7 months
BeforeAfter -
Male, 52 years old
Length of treatment: 6 months
BeforeAfter -
Female, 58 years old
Length of treatment: 12 months
BeforeAfter -
Male, 44 years old
Length of treatment: 4 months
BeforeAfter -
Female, 55 years old
Length of treatment: 4 months
BeforeAfter -
Male, 20 years old
Length of treatment: 2 months
The Scientific How And Why Behind Our Results-oriented Formula
- Replenology’s scientists know that there are many reasons why women and men lose their hair. In fact, we identified 21 molecular pathways in the human body that are responsible for both hair loss and hair growth.
- If you are interested in learning more about the science in each Replenology formulation, click on the “21 to GROW” brochure image for a deep dive into our scientific, clinically proven, multi-targeted, holistic, and all natural approach.
- It makes no sense to us to try and resolve hair loss through just 1, 2 or even 3 causes. That’s why Replenology targets all 21; that’s why “21 to Grow”.
- We believe you deserve to know what you are putting in and on your body, and to learn about how and why you can give yourself the best chance to get your hair back.

Q: Why should I use Replenology?
A: We conducted third party, triple blind, Replenology vs. Placebo, clinical trials over 24 weeks. When comparing our results with other leading hair loss products Replenology, with our active formula ALRV5XR, outperformed them all by 4x in women and 3x in men. Click here to read about our clinical trial in men. Click here to read about our clinical trial in women. Click here to read the expert opinion commentary on our clinical trials.
Q: Why was Replenology created?
A: One of our co-founders was experiencing Alopecia and could not find a healthy, science based, clean, natural solution that actually worked. Over the course of 10 years and with a lot of extensive research Replenology was formulated by a team of scientists and molecular biologists to the highest standards. After all, if our founder couldn’t use the product with success, we could not recommend it for anyone else. After losing approximately 70% of her hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes, she has returned to a full head of hair and her eyebrows and eyelashes have completely regrown. We want her success using Replenology to become your success too
Q: Who can use Replenology?
A: Replenology is suitable for women and men of all ages. We do recommend that you consult with your doctor if you are taking medications on a regular basis and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. We do not recommend our supplements for use in children.
Q: Is Replenology a drug?
A: Replenology is 100% drug free. We had our products certified drug-free, gluten-free and Non-GMO by the Banned Substances Control Group – the testing facility that develops the protocol for Olympic athletes.
Q: Is Replenology Vegan?
A: Yes, it is certified Vegan! Our products are 100% plant based. They have no marine compounds, no dairy, no soy, no egg, no peanuts, no tree nuts, no wheat, no honey, no added colors, no added flavours, no artificial scents or perfumes.
Q: Is Replenology Gluten-Free?
A: Yes! We are certified Gluten-Free.
Q: When will I see results?
A: Hair growth is a process and patience will pay off. The good news is that Replenology users have reported seeing signs that our product is working in as little as 2 weeks when their hair shedding dramatically lessened and even stopped. Typically, new hair growth can be felt and seen within 4 – 6 months. This will also depend on the length of your hair as short hair may appear more dense in less time. Replenology clinical trial results reported significant new hair growth at 12 weeks, however, these new hairs can be very short and more difficult to notice at first. Please keep in mind that hair typically grows at an average rate of approximately 1⁄2” per month; so, stay committed and you will reap the benefits of Replenology!
Q: Are there any side effects with Replenology?
A: NO negative side effects were reported in our clinical trials or from current users. Replenology users have given anecdotal feedback that they have experienced positive side effects such as calming of skin/scalp irritation, itching and redness, reduction of flaking, an improved feeling of overall wellness, improved energy levels and improvement in skin appearance and nail strength.
Q: Is Replenology FDA approved?
A: FDA approval is specifically for drugs. Replenology is drug-free. Our products are manufactured in the United States and Canada in a cGMP, Kosher, and Halal facility.
Q: Where are Replenology’s ingredients sourced?
A: Our botanicals are sourced from around the world and with purity in mind. We use organic ingredients whenever possible, and all our botanicals are standardized so that each capsule contains the exact same formulation strength.
Have any questions?
If you don’t find the answer to your questions here, please contact us at and someone from the Replenology team will respond as soon as possible.
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